Saturday, October 25, 2014


I have only voted straight party ticket twice since moving to Jefferson County in 1987.
I voted straight Democrat in 2006 and I will be voting straight Republican this year.
Most of my local friends and neighbors know that I usually vote for the person.  Jefferson County politics are highly complex and nuanced.  Both political parties have offered up the best and worst over these past 27 years.  My friends, who are Democrats, have always cheered my crossing party lines to work and vote for Democrats.  This year I call on them to cross over and vote for Republicans.
There are times when voters must make a clear statement.  In 2006, President Bush made a total mess of American foreign policy, squandering billions of our tax dollars and thousands of American lives on ill-conceived and poorly executed foreign adventures.  In 2005, the Bush Administration displayed epic incompetence in responding to Hurricane Katrina.  Republicans in Congress were wantonly spending and earmarking public funds, ignoring their political roots and their promises to the voters.  They had to be punished.  A straight ticket rejection was my most vivid personal statement.
This year it is the Democrats who must get the wake-up call. President Obama is exceeding Bush in installing a delusional foreign policy that is devastating the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Ukraine.  Obama and Congressional Democrats are spending America into oblivion while fixating on covering-up or delaying the full accounting of countless scandals.  As Obama has stated in recent interviews, his policies and his ability to continue his destructive course are on the ballot this year.  Voters must send a clear message of rejection by voting straight Republican.
In West Virginia, 83 years of Democrats running our House of Delegates have solidified our state at the bottom of everything that is good and at the top of everything that is bad.  West Virginia is toxic to new business.  It is easier to exchange funds from foreign banks with America than to transfer funds in and out of West Virginia.  The only way to change the future of our state is to change the players in Charleston.
I know all candidates who are running for House of Delegates.  They are all good and sincere people.  However, the incumbent Democrats have been lap dogs, not watch dogs, regarding the wanton corruption and dysfunction of our state government.  Their silence in holding state officials accountable must end.  Their silence in advocating for Panhandle priorities must end. Change our future - vote straight Republican.
In Jefferson County, our local politics have never been about Republican versus Democrat. It is all about the good-ole-boy Court House elite versus reform minded citizens.  The elite swaps business deals under the table while giving each other civic awards. The Court House crowd wants to turn our tourist gateway into one big strip mall, and build a sea of new houses that will stress public services and bankrupt us.  Their worst nightmare is an engaged electorate demanding complete transparency and accountability.
Our two local Democrat candidates are perennial favorites of this Court House elite.  They are also hoping voters do not remember their pasts.  The appointed Sheriff was crushingly defeated in 2002.  Jefferson voters were fed-up with his arrogance and cronyism as President of our Board of Education.  They were also tired of his suppressing public access to public records and meetings.  Since his appointment as Sheriff, he as steadfastly refused to correct long standing material weaknesses in our public accounts and financial processes.
The only way to bring real integrity and transparency to our County’s finances is to vote for STEVEN SOWERS.  Steve knows the world of first responders, having held multiple leadership positions in law enforcement and in firefighting for 31 years. Steve is a certified arson investigator, CPR instructor, and has been trained in emergency response with terrorism, HAZMAT, emergency vehicle operations, and leadership. Steve was born and raised in Ranson.  Most importantly, Steve is working with audit and financial experts to map out his actions for bringing full accounting compliance and transparency to our county.
The Democrat running for Harpers Ferry District Supervisor was crushingly defeated in 2010 when she ran for Clerk. In 2010, she was openly funded by the developers.  Her first wave of yards signs were openly funded by her employer – Lee Snyder.  Her platform included limiting access to Court House records and increasing public access fees.  This year she is cloaking herself in new found environmentalism, but the most damaging developers are still funding her campaign. 
Only voting for ERIC BELL will change things.  Eric represents the new wave of young entrepreneurs who are shaping a bright economic future for our County by embracing its uniqueness.  Eric’s stellar military record is matched by his solid business record as the CFO/COO of Bloomery Plantation Distillery.  Eric will be our watch dog over public finances and help Jefferson County attract job generating businesses that build upon, not undermine, the identity of our county.
I call on all Jefferson County citizens to SAVE TIME – SEND A MESSAGE – VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN.

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